< Previous90 COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 2202 Strand • 409-762-2515 Gay Fundling gay@galvestonRE.com 16602 San Luis Pass Road, Galveston, TX 77554 409-737-1430 • 409-737-2020 www.galvestonislandRE.com www.galvestonislandresortrentals.com GALVESTON ISLAND RESORT RENTALS WE OFFER SOME OF THE FINEST RENTAL PROPERTIES ON GALVESTON’S WEST END CALL ONE OF OUR FRIENDLY RENTAL AGENTS ! SAVE THE DATE OLEANDER GARDEN FESTIVAL & SALE [April 29] The international Oleander Society will host its annual Oleander Garden Festival & Sale featuring vendor booths, a raffle and a performance by the Galveston Ukulele Society. 8 a.m. to noon April 29; Betty Head Oleander Garden Park, 2624 Sealy St., Galveston; www.oleander.org SPRING GARDEN TOUR [April 29-30] Join the Heritage Gardeners for its annual Spring Garden Tour featuring a plant sale and market. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 29-30; Marie Workman Garden Center, 112 W. Spread- ing Oaks, Friendswood and various home gardens; www.heritagegardener.org GRAND KIDS FESTIVAL [April 29] presented by The Grand 1894 Opera House, the 27th annual Grand Kids Festival will offer live entertainment on four outdoor stages, plus indoors on stage at The Grand. it also will feature more than 40 booths, each showcasing a variety of unique, hands-on activities for children and their families to enjoy. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 29, Downtown Cultural Arts District, Postoffice Street between 20th and 23rd streets, Galveston; www.grandkidsfestival.com LONE STAR GUMBEAUX FESTIVAL [April 29] Tasty gumbo and live music will fill downtown Hitchcock as the city presents its first Lone Star Gumbeaux Festival. The event will feature a gumbo cook-off, live music from Cajun rockers Bayou roux and cooking demonstration by Kelly Elli- son of “Kelly Cooks Texas.” Traditional festival foods and merchandise vendors also will be on-site during the event. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 29; downtown Hitchcock, 8002 MLK Ave.; www.lonestargumbeauxfestival.com or 281.222.4775 RAILFEST [April 29-30] Train enthusiasts of all ages can experience the thrill of the tracks during this two-day event featuring large ornate model train sets, train rides, exhibits, inter- active activities, rail car tours, live entertainment, vendors and a food court. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 29-30; Galveston Railroad Museum, 2602 Santa Fe Place, Galveston; www.galvestonrrmuseum.org SONOMA COUNTY WINE FEST [April 29] Spend the day sampling more than 72 wines from Sonoma County, snacking on delicious appetizers and listening to live music at the Kemah Boardwalk. April 29; Kemah Boardwalk, 215 Kipp Ave., Kemah; www.kemahboardwalk.com BLESSING OF THE FLEET [April 30] Enjoy the sights of decorated boats cruising down the Clear Creek Channel into the bay. 2 p.m. April 30; Kemah Boardwalk, 215 Kipp Ave., Kemah; www.kemahboardwalk.com in case of cancellations or changes to events, check with venues for updates. To submit an event, send pertinent information to calendar@coastmonthly.com. COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 91 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 MOODY GARDENS CONVENTION CENTER SEVEN HOPE BLVD, GALVESTON, TX 77554 6:30 TO 8:30 PM MUST BE 21 OR OLDER TO ENTER TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: galvestonepic.eventbrite.com PRESENTS TICKETS $45 FOR 1 $80 FOR 2 ADVANCE PURCHASE ONLY $75 VIP Package Early admission at 6 p.m. Reserved Table Wine The Sunday | Apr 2 | 4 pm The Grand 1894 Opera House 2020 Post Office Street Masterworks IV Saint-Saëns & Ravel Saint-Saëns’ dazzling 2nd piano concerto surrounded by French works of amazing women composers Mel Bonis and Lili Bou- langer - ending with the second suite from Ravel’s most magnificent orchestra piece: Daphnis and Chloe TICKETS: 409.765.1894 MOODY MANSION MUSIC 2618 BROADWAY FRIDAY - MAR 31 - 7PM Daniel Hsu, piano Enjoy an intimate classical music recital in the elegant ballroom of Galveston’s grand Moody Mansion Sundays at the Symphony Our 42 nd Concert Season! TICKETS & INFO: GalvestonSymphony.org Galveston Symphony Presents Daniel Hsu, piano Limited Seating - Reservations Required Essential Hospice provides comfort, compassion, dignity, and peace for patients and their families through end of life care. Hospice is about enhancing the quality of life. We Care We’re Personable We’re Caregivers Want to talk to our friendly staff? Call 832-224-4756 clearlakehospice.com92 COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 BIRD’S EYE VIEW PIPING PLOVER CHARADRIUS MELODUS story and illustration by CHRISTINA MATTISON EBERT One recent summer, a very committed New York City Department of parks and recreation employee braved the swel- tering heat in a mascot-style bird suit and sweatily strutted about rockaway Beach. The employee, having even donned bright orange tights and giant bird feet, risked suffering heat stroke to raise awareness about one shorebird — the piping plover. This tiny bird is on the “red List,” the international Union for Conservation of Nature’s registry of endangered and threatened species. piping plovers are at “Near Threatened” status, meaning there’s an extinction risk in the foreseeable future. Easily camouflaged with the shore on account of their sandy coloring, take extra care in the winter months not to step on or disturb them. FUN FACT: The piping plover was the 2021 FeatherFest’s featured bird species. COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 93 Understanding Dementia Most patients tell me “Mom is forgetful, or missed her medication, or not eating,” these are common comments. Understanding dementia and its subtypes allows for a better treatment plan and outcomes for each individual. The approach is to use a broad, evidence-based treatment program analysis while never deviating from the family’s core foundational beliefs. To start there is a need to better understand the disease of dementia and it’s causes. Although, there are several types of dementia, 70% of dementia diagnosis are Alzheimer’s related, but many have both Alzheimer’s as well as other diagnoses. The other areas could be “Left Frontal Lobe physiological issues – strokes, physiological or medically induced changes,” or “Traumatic Brain Injury” or “Chemically Induced Dementia,” even early onset of “Parkinson’s.” Symptoms may include memory loss trouble planning and doing familiar task. Identification is the first step, then evaluation of medical management combined with the best environment to protect the patient. This is a professional decision. Ignoring the symptoms create a worsening environment. We often perform assessments – physical, mental, spiritual, support systems and existing treatment. Without a complete understanding, the patient (or resident) cannot improve over time. Sometimes a safe, secure environment is required. Submitted by Suchmor Thomas, M.D. Owner Thomas Manor Senior Living, Friendswood, Texas 2275 Thomas Trace Friendswood Texas www.thomasmanor.care Michele Schiesler, Executive Director 832-569-4641 Ask The Doctor SERVICE SPECIAL With This Ad expires 4-30-23 $ 69 409.925.8275 TACLBO22538E FINANCING AVAILABLE FREE ESTIMATES KEEP IT LOCAL! www.AffordableAirTX.com Locally owned and operated Galveston Premiere Taxi Cab Company • Brand New Cars • Live Dispatcher answering calls We welcome charge accounts hospitals, government offices, schools any all institutes. 24/7 airport runs & Pick up Reservations welcome. Short distance or long distance are welcome. 409-370-2514 2902 SEAWALL BLVD GALVESTON94 COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 THROUGH THE LENS QUARTER HORSE, OF COURSE artwork by JOEY QUIROGA The American quarter horse tends to dominate the rodeo scene and commonly is used in rodeo events such as barrel racing, calf roping and team roping. They’re renowned for their speed, agility and calm disposition. in fact, more than 4 million quarter horses are used as working horses on ranches, as show horses or at rodeos, according to reports on the breed. COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 95 2115 Strand | Open Daily 409.762.7400 Strand Brass New & Now Available @ FOUNDATION & CONSTRUCTION Specializing in all types of foundation & structural repairs • slabs • pier & beam • Historical homes • beach front homes • all masonry repairs • piling install • carpentry CALL TODAY TO GET A QUOTE 409-655-0505 “Five Star Foundation lives up to its name... Five stars from start to finish!” For more more information scan the QR Code or visit: https://galvestonthedaily newstravel.convertri.com Travel Trips Just For You... Venice & The Italian Lakes OCTOBER 11, 2023 11 Days Landscapes & Lighthouses of Coastal Maine JULY 22, 2023 7 Days96 COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 SHUTTERBUGS SEND US YOUR COASTAL PHOTOS What do you love about living on the coast? Send your photos to shutterbugs@coastmonthly.com. BiLL JUSTiCEJACKiE STEEDLY NiELS NiLSON LENZ NiCOLE prOVOSTLAUrA TACQUArD COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 97 AMY LARNER 281-795-6674 amy@amylarner.com https://www.har.com/amylarne r 26934 Estuary Galveston 4-5 BR 3.5 BA 26911 Bay Water Galveston 25618 Spotted Sandpiper Galveston New Construction Pointe West! YOUR CUSTOM DREAM HOME AWAITS YOU! When Only the Best Will Do. We Love Working with Designers & Contractors! Kitchen Design, High-End Custom Cabinetry & Gourmet Appliances For Kitchen Remodels and New Homes, Since 1983. • We have a kitchen showroom in Webster • Professional Kitchen Design Services • Sub-Zero, Wolf and Cove Gourmet Appliances Bay Area Kitchens 281.338.2737 www.BayAreaKitchens.com 17306 Highway 3 @ Medical Center Blvd. – Webster Appointments Recommended ALiCE JENSEN LiZ GArCiA SMiTH98 COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 Matt Hawkes | Branch Manager matt.hawkes@nflp.com | (713) 521-0413 Apply at nflp.com/matthawkes 1009 Broadway St., Galveston, TX 77550 MLO NMLS# 201887 Apply for a mortgage with Matt! WE MAKE BUYING ON THE BEACH AS RELAXING AS LIFE ON THE BEACH SHUTTERBUGS DApHNE WATKiNS ALiCE WiLLiAMS BArBArA WiLLiAMS BrENDA LiGHTFOOT COASTMONTHLY.COM | ApriL 2023 99 Being Involved We have so many great things happening that you really have to see it to believe it! Did you know you can schedule United Way to speak to your workplace or civic group? Give us a call (409) 762-HELP or send an email to info@uwgalv.org MiKE HAWKS ELYSSA WAGNEr BrAHM MCMiLLAN SiNE MArSCHALLNext >